

21 Avril

Aujourd'hui, nous avons assisté à une pièce jouée par les élèves de Sauk Prairie, Crazy Town. 

Puis, visite de la concession Harley Davidson. Les élèves ont pu monter sur une moto et même la faire démarrer.

A 13h, visite d`une caserne de pompiers. Les élèves ont essayé leur uniforme.

En fin de journée,  le policier du lycée est venu parler de son métier. Les élèves ont posé de nombreuses questions,

Like every day, we met in the French classroom. We moved to the high school library in order to prepare some sentences that we will say tomorrow for the planting tree ceremony. Then we went to the high school theater which was really big, just as a cinema hall in France! The students were playing really well! The play was composed of two acts and we have understood pretty well the different jokes. Then we went to a Harley Davidson store where we saw a lot of fancy bikes. We have seen the evolution of the store since 2000. Actually people can learn how to drive bikes or repair them there. Then some of the French students tried a Harley Davidson and it was rather impressive and fun. After that, we had a quick lunch in a little park and we came to the volunteer fire department. We went into a really firefighter car and tried their uniforms so that was great. We also tried the different tests required to become a firefighter and we liked doing them. Then we asked the firefighter some questions and that was really interesting. Finally we came back to the high school and we met a policeman. We also asked him some questions with the other American students. He answered pretty well as the firefighter had. After school, we just hung out with Walter and Thomas so that was a really good day!
